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Roberto Capucci's dresses 1960–1970

Roberto Capucci's dresses 1960–1970: from left, ice-coloured silk shantung dress, embroidered with semi-precious stones and beads; peacock green moiré dress with jet embroidery; white double silk trousers and jacket with violet, pink, mustard and sky blue inserts.
Part of the donation from Georgette, Fiamma and Raffaele Ranucci.

Dress photos

Roberto Capucci

Only 26 years old, he was considered the best designer of the Italian fashion, particularly appreciated by Christian Dior, and in 1958 he created the “Linea a Scatola” (Box Line), artistic and stylistic a real revolution. For this innovative proposal, he received, in 1958, the Boston Fashion Award (Filene’s Young Talent Design Award) as the best creator of fashion along with Pierre Cardin and James Galanos. In 1961, Paris fashion shows, he was welcomed with enthusiasm by ...


  • Roberto Capucci è considerato e riconosciuto a livello internazionale come uno dei più grandi designer del XX secolo ed ha vestito grandi celebrità del mondo del cinema, del teatro e, soprattutto nelle cerimonie, tante donne dell'alta società italiana ed europea. Tra gli abiti più famosi c'è quello indossato da Rita Levi-Montalcini in occasione del conferimento del Nobel per la medicina del 1986.