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Fellini's Casanova

Dress photos
Photos from the set

Danilo Donati



  • Federico Fellini e Danilo Donati reinterpretano il Settecento amplificando il gusto per l'esagerazione e per il grottesco dello stile rococò. Le già eccessive mode del tempo vengono enfatizzate e talvolta persino trasfigurate in funzione critica. Il costume è fondamentale per la costruzione, anche in chiave psicologica, del personaggio.

L'atelier degli Oscar

Date: 2009-04-29

Close your eyes and try to relive a scene from a great costume drama. Almost certainly at least one of the characters that will pop into your mind will be wearing a Tirelli costume. This is quite easy to do considering that the great Roman atelier, founded in the sixties by Umberto Tirelli, the talented “creator of costumes and fashion archaeologist”, according to Guido Vergagni’s definition, “dressed” the stars of at least thirty films that, not purely by chance, won[...]


I vestiti dei sogni

The excellence of Italian costumes in cinema
Date: 2015-01-17

Palazzo Braschi hosts an exhibition dedicated to the excellence of Italian costumes in cinema. On show are costumes by Oscar winners Piero Tosi, Danilo Donati, Milena Canonero and Gabriella Pescucci. A journey from the beginning to the present, from the silent movies era to "The Great Beauty." On Twitter     #VestitiDeiSogni ​ [...]


Umberto Tirelli - Ritorno a Gualtieri

Date: 2018-09-15

An exhibition in the Salone dei Giganti of Palazzo Bentivoglio of the costumes that have dressed the principal actors of the best national and international Cinema and Theater and who continue to collect Oscar on Oscar; costumes that continue to "dress up the dreams" of Cinema and Theater lovers ...[...]